- Diese Veranstaltung hat bereits stattgefunden.
Blühende Landschaften
21. Oktober 2022 – 22. Oktober 2022
For the third event in the NachWieVor programme series, we will be hosting the AltentanzTheater Ensemble ZARTBITTER in October.
Together with Lisa Thomas, the artist Justyna Koeke and the choreographer/dancer Pascal Sangl, ZARTBITTER 2022 has embarked on a research. The ensemble moves in the interplay of body, dance and living material: flowers and plants. The installative-choreographic performance adapts to the respective location and thus becomes a unique experience again and again. The TTW ensemble under the artistic direction of Lisa Thomas was founded in 2010 from a group of older people with a special passion for dance theatre.
Choreography: Lisa Thomas, Pascal Sangl
Costume: Justyna Koeke
Dance: Marion Koch, Roswitha Münchbach, Lilo Mohaupt, Stefan Mohr-Bender, Helmut Rumpf-Hufnagel, Hildegard Schäffler, Gabriele Würch, Eva Schwanitz, Sebastian Hettenkofer, Hans Nau, Renate Denzel
Production: Tanz- und Theaterwerkstatt e.V., the City of Ludwigsburg and the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts of the State of Baden-Württemberg
Funded by: The project research was supported by Fonds Darstellende Künste with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media as part of NEUSTART KULTUR.